Penn Central (PC) “X58 Patch LD 1976+” PRR Shops X58 Plug Door Boxcar


  • Product: PRR Shops X58 Class Box Car
  • Scale: HO Scale 1:87.1
  • Truck: 70-Ton ASF Ride Control Roller Bearing
  • Wheels: CNC-Machined 33″ Wheels
  • Era: 1976-1995

PC “X58 Patch LD 1976+” gives PC and CR modelers another variation of PC patches for an ex-PRR Delivery scheme.  This pair of cars is pulled from the October 1965 PRR X58 group and feature brown PC lettering patches, repainted brown doors and with the ex-PRR “LD” and “Cushioned Underframe” yellow lettering.  The roof walkway has been removed, leaving the beautiful etched brackets, along with the high ladder and corner grab iron on the roof corner.  This patch version was done in March of 1976 – very late for the PC era!  (And of course, also perfect for the CR era.)  All of the accurate data is present for the 1976 era, including ACI label and distinctive PC style COTS boxes.

Details Price QTY

SKU: 14029-01
Road Numbers: #362301

SKU: 14029-02
Road Numbers: #362322

Additional information

Weight .9 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 3.5 × 1.5 in
Road Numbers

#362301, #362322