SOLD OUT: GACX “GATX Gray 2-1995” Trinity Industries Inc 4750CuFt Covered Hopper


  • Product: Trinity Industries “Pullman-Design” 4750CuFt Covered Hopper
  • Scale: HO Scale 1:87.1
  • Truck: Tangent 100-ton Barber S-2 trucks with prototype-specific rotating bearing caps and separate brake beam part
  • Wheels: CNC-Machined 36″ Wheels
  • Era: 1995-2022

– GACX “GATX Gray 2-1995” is one of two private lease offerings in this release of Trinity 4750s.  This car is a stunner with its gray paint color and large, bold GATX stencils in the upper right corner of the carbody side.  We call this car a Phase 4 model, because it shares a Phase 4 body and bolster arrangement, including the jacking pad design that is less long horizontally, and with an oval-shaped attachment hole in the center.  The GATX’s Trinity 4750s include the “bolt on” outlet gate design, and the cars include shaker brackets on the outlet bays.  Up on the roof of the cars you will find an unpainted galvanized “slope up” US Morton-design running boards which also include end supports, and the galvanized steel trough hatches that Trinity applied are replicated on our model.  The ends of the cars include a body-mount brake system, Ellcon National D-5600 brake housing, tube-style defect card holders, and straight-handle coupler lift bars, all of which are accurately modeled on our Tangent replicas.  Underneath the cars, the centersill dividers have access holes in them like they should, and a “hanging rectangle” style AEI tag mount.  GATX initially leased a total of 200 Trinity 4750s, all built in 1995, although they picked up more Trinity cars in later years, which we offer as models as well.  Photos show them all over North America, including in Canada and Mexico.

Details Price QTY

SKU: 36014-01
Number: #4700

Out of stock

SKU: 36014-02
Number: #4712

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SKU: 36014-03
Number: #4732

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SKU: 36014-04
Number: #4741

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SKU: 36014-05
Number: #4745

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SKU: 36014-06
Number: #4778

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Additional information

Weight 1.1 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 3.75 × 1.75 in